Follow live the last hour of the municipal and regional elections

by time news

2023-05-29 01:17:22

The PP has swept this Sunday in the municipal and regional elections in almost all of Spain, by seizing power from the PSOE in six autonomous communities, which paves the way for Alberto Núñez Feijóo to La Moncloa with a view to the general elections at the end of the year .

The victory of the popular has been especially resounding in Madrid, where both Isabel Díaz Ayuso and José Luis Martínez Almeida achieved an absolute majority in the Community of Madrid and in the capital’s City Council. It also reached an absolute majority in La Rioja, a region where traditionally the popular always ruled but which four years ago lost to the benefit of the PSOE. Now, the popular candidate Gonzalo Capellán seizes control from the socialist Concha Andreu.

The blue “wave”, as the until now president of Cantabria, Miguel Ángel Revilla, defined it, upon acknowledging his defeat in this community, also spread to the rest of Spain, with victories in seats and votes in Cantabria, in Aragon, in Balearic Islands, in the Valencian Community and in Murcia. In all these autonomies, the PP will be able to govern, but it will need to rely on Vox to gain an absolute majority.

In addition, in Extremadura, it is within his power to remove the socialist Guillermo Fernández Vara from power if he achieves an alliance with Vox. Santiago Abascal’s party is the other great winner of election night by managing to be decisive in these territories and in many provincial capitals.

The result is devastating for the PSOE, which loses six communities and for the moment only retains power in Asturias and Castilla-La Mancha, where Emiliano García Page is the only socialist baron who can continue to govern with very few votes and with an absolute majority. .

In the Canary Islands, the PSOE also wins the elections with Ángel Víctor Torres at the helm but it is difficult for it to maintain power if the Popular Party agrees with the Canary Islands Coalition to hand over the presidency of the region to the nationalist party.

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