Fondi Lega, preventive seizure of Fanpage videos revoked. The magazine: “Thanks, but there’s nothing to celebrate”

by time news

Has been revoked by the public prosecutor of Rome on preventive seizure and the blackout of the videos related to the investigation Follow the money on the funds of the League, signed Fanpage. The measure lasted 24 ore, since the morning of September 23 two plainclothes policemen showed up at the office and served the deed. “Thanks”, underlines the headboard with base a Naples, “Because without the enormous mobilization in defense of of colleagues, politicians and many, many citizens we do not believe that all this would have happened”. But, he points out, “There is nothing from to party“. Because, we read on the site, “We have simply defended a right that we believed we had acquired, that of freedom of the press, which instead had been suddenly and incredibly denied to us. There is not nothing to celebrate, because since yesterday we have become even more aware that there is a piece of the country for which investigations and entire newspapers can be seized and obscured without a shot being fired. There is nothing to celebrate, because nowhere, not even in the revocation, does the principle that never, ever journalistic content should be seized or obscured as a preventive measure, except in the cases provided for by the Constitution, cases which do not include defamation “.

The case has raised controversy and criticism from several fronts, and the newspaper has received solidarity from several subjects, including the Campania Order of Journalists, Fnsi – Italian National Press Federation – and Sugc – Unified Union of Journalists of Campania. “We must not let our guard down,” Fanpage closes. “Today we have won a great little battle. But the war is long. And it has just begun ”.

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Fondi Lega, investigating judge orders seizure of the investigation in which Durigon quoted a general. The director: “Serious and we cannot defend ourselves because the lawsuit against unknown persons and prosecutors did not investigate us”


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