Fools’ Guild in action: A show of strength – Hechinger Maypole is up – Hechingen & surroundings

by time news

Show of strength: The Hechingen Fools’ Guild used pure muscle power to hoist a huge maypole vertically on the Johannesbrücke. Photo: Klaus Stopper

The little swallow and 17 strong men made a big impression on Tuesday when setting up the maypole at the Hechinger Johannesbrücke. Many spectators applauded admiringly.

“Every year again” has been the motto at the Hechinger Johannesbrücke for some time now at the beginning of May. It has long since become a tradition for the Hechingen Fools’ Guild to lift a huge maypole using pure muscle power. The many spectators were once again deeply impressed by how something like this could be accomplished with relatively simple equipment. Because it’s clear to everyone here: not much can go wrong with this campaign.

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