for female para-athletes, ‘disability is not a barrier’

by time news

2023-07-31 22:22:43

Gathered in the same semi-final of the 100 in para-athletics, the Mauritian Julie Anndora Asaun and the two Congolese Lotola Kitonge and Rachel Bahezire were kind enough to discuss their handicap, their dream, and what sport has changed in them.

Published on: 07/31/2023 – 22:22

3 mn

From our special correspondent in Kinshasa,

She arrived well ahead of the two Congolese with a gap that certainly reflects her experience. Julie Anndora Asaun is 24 years old and started athletics at 16 years old. She runs the 100 m in the T11 category, reserved for athletes who have an almost total visual impairment. The Mauritian was ahead of the two Congolese Lotola Kitonge and Rachel Bahezire applauded by the meager public of the Martyrs stadium in Kinshasa. The latter is proud to present herself as ” the champion of North Kivu, Goma “. At 26, Rachel is taking part in her first international competition and hopes that “ it won’t be the last ».

Julie, she discovers the Congo, but has already traveled a lot thanks to athletics. His disability did not hold him back when deciding to play sports. ” In my family, everyone plays sports. It’s in our bloodexplains the Mauritian athlete. My mum loves sport, always wanted all her children to do it. Me, I’m lucky, it’s not given to everyone to travel all over the world, to know new countries. We are maturing ».

« The Olympics would be great! »

Aged 18, Lotola Kitonge discovered athletics barely a year ago. ” I started in February 2022, and I immediately felt happy “, explains the young athlete. More than joy, sport allowed Rachel to integrate socially. ” I went blind at the age of four, tells the one who comes from North Kivu. Since then, I felt stressed all the time. Thanks to sports and athletics, I’m not anymore and I made a lot of friends. Before, people ran away from me because of my disability. »

The three young women are unanimous, they only feel the handicap through the eyes of others. Julie is the only one affected in her family, but does not feel different from her brothers and other members of her entourage. ” I’m blind, I don’t take it as a handicap. I don’t see, of course, but everything else works for me, ” drop the one who also likes to push the ditty.

Today, her dream is to participate in the Paralympic Games in Paris. ” I do everything to get there. If I qualify, it will be great for me, for my family, for my country. I will strongly think of all the visually impaired in Mauritius ».

The march of the 2024 Olympics will certainly be too high for the Congolese women. ” My goal is to do even more. I have to work more, I have no objective other than to improve myself “says Lotola. More ambitious, Rachel does not set limits. ” I want to be champion of the Congo first, then participate in the Olympic Games,” she announces. Before concluding : ” A disability is not a life barrier ».

#female #paraathletes #disability #barrier

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