For the connection of Nakhichevan, Azerbaijan can use our railway according to the same principles that RA can use for the railway connection of Meghri and Yeraskh. Pashinyan – 2024-04-16 20:15:31

by times news cr

2024-04-16 20:15:31

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan is concerned that some international partners are urging their citizens not to go to Syunik region.

“This creates certain difficulties for business, but, on the other hand, I must record that the Armenian government is implementing multi-billion dollar projects in Syunik,” Pashinyan said live, stressing that in the last 5 years, the largest investments have been made in Syunik region.

He mentioned that the works that are being carried out in Syunik are a clear political message that all plans related to the region are connected with strategic development, well-being and economic activity.

“I do not accept that Syunik marz or Meghri should be separated from Armenia in any way. Sometimes I see a tendency to separate Syunik as a vulnerable security zone, no, we do not separate Syunik, and the development and security of Syunik is part of our daily work. Of course, the security problems we have, those problems exist in Tavush, Gegharkunki, Ararat, and Vayots Dzor, they exist and are obvious, but these problems should not be underestimated or overestimated.” said the prime minister.

According to Pashinyan, they adopted the peace agenda to solve the security problems.

“My belief is that only one thing can provide 100 percent security: lasting, de jure recorded peace, and that’s what we want to get,” he said.

The Prime Minister said that a clear answer should be given: should a railway pass through Meghri, which will connect the East to the West, including Azerbaijan to Nakhichevan and Turkey, including Meghri to Yeraskh and the rest of Armenia, including Armenia to the international railway network?

“Yes, definitely, it corresponds to the interests of our country one hundred percent, this is the reason why the three main principles of “Crossroads of Peace” refer to communications. “Azerbaijan can use our railway for the connection between Azerbaijan and Nakhichevan on the same principles as Armenia can use the railway, say, for example, for the railway connection between Meghri and Yeraskh,” Pashinyan emphasized.

According to him, one of the biggest problems of Armenia is the blockade, which has been going on for 30 years.

“We hope to overcome the blockade peacefully,” said the Prime Minister.

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