for the return of Bastareaud, Toulon offers Clermont

by time news

RC Toulon overcame ASM Clermont (30-29) Sunday evening, at the Mayol stadium, during the 3rd day of Top 14. A poster marked by the return of “Basta”.

With a scenario still crazy, Toulou beat Clermont (30-29) Sunday evening, during the 3rd day of Top 14. A meeting marked by the tenure in number 8 of Mathieu Bastareaud. Absent from the initial match sheet, he finally signed his big comeback on the lawns, tenured in number 8, after more than ten months of absence due to a serious injury to both knees.

The match promised to be tense between two legendary teams of French rugby, and the first period did not fail in the forecasts. The Toulon domination was clear in the first act of this poster: with eleven penalties conceded by Clermont, the Varois took advantage of their numerical superiority after the two yellow cards of Jedrasiak (29th) and Ojovan (34th) to fly away score. In 5 minutes of play, Toulon scored two tries accompanied by successful conversions. After a penalty obtained on a closed scrum, Gigashvili came to conclude in the opposing in-goal after a quick game from Serin (35th). And on a huge Auvergne defensive error, Wainiqolo made his speed speak for 40 meters to register the other try (39th) of the first period. However this Sunday evening duel had started well for Clermont with a successful penalty by Anthony Belleau (3rd) and a try concluded by Alex Newsome (21st) after a long sequence of play in the 22 meters Toulonnais.

Second souffle

In the second half, Toulon took advantage of the Clermontois at fourteen to score another quick try from the first seconds of the period thanks to the young Gaël Dréan (41st). But the Auvergnats found a second wind to make a real comeback with a penalty try (41st) then achievements from Julien Heriteau (50th) and Lucas Dessaigne (73rd). Serin’s penalty reassured a Toulon team a moment at 14 after Rebbadj’s yellow (46th) for maul’s collapse.

In the standings, Toulon climbs to 7th place, while Clermont remains 10th. Next weekend, the RCT will go to Perpignan on Saturday, while the ASM will host La Rochelle at Marcel-Michelin on Sunday evening.

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