For three months, more than 119 million soms were recovered for traffic violations

by time news

The State Traffic Safety Inspectorate reported that over three months of 2023, more than 119 million soms were recovered for violation of traffic rules.

According to the agency, 234,303 traffic violations were registered during this period. Most often, drivers did not follow road signs (88 thousand violations), did not wear seat belts (more than 72 thousand), exceeded the speed limit (over 29 thousand), drove into the oncoming lane (5384), drove a car without documents (3312) and while intoxicated (3285).

Since March 8, fines for violation of traffic rules have been increased in Kyrgyzstan to 20,000 soms. For example, the fine for driving without a license was increased from 5,500 to 15, and for driving through a red light from 3,000 to 5,000.

In addition, the police will be able to deprive a driver’s license for one year for drunk driving. Previously, for such a violation, only a fine or community service threatened.

Earlier, the GUOBDD reported that after the increase in fines for traffic violations on the roads, there were 41% fewer drunk drivers.

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