Former AIC student is awarded at Braga Science Film Fest

by time news

2024-01-26 19:44:57

A ex-aluna da AIC, Katia Pinheirowon the “Public Award” at the Braga Science Film Fest with your film Earth-Human Connections.

The animation explores the history of the Earth since its formation, using an analogy with human birth. The work was a project sponsored by the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG).

“The initial idea was the film with 8 young scientists talking about these topics and the content and voice-over with animations. But in the end, the animation alone made a good summary of the story, so I decided to leave it as an animation-only film (Earth-human connections) and the other documentary (Geoscience Connections) with interviews with young scientists and parts of the animation. The idea was 1 film but in the end there were 2! ”

As a geophysics researcher, Katia became interested in cinema after realizing the powerful union between science and filmmaking and decided to dedicate herself to the area. At AIC she studied Screenwriting, Directing, Photography, Editing and Documentary.

“The AIC courses were fundamental for my training and development of ideas for making films about science. I have a special affection for the documentary course, which helped me a lot to develop my films and come up with new ideas. In addition to the online Documentary course, I honestly loved all the courses I took at AIC: intensive vacation cinema course, editing, scriptwriting, directing, photography… all wonderful courses! I hope to be able to make others soon. The courses really stimulated me in my change of direction in my career. With the projects and films working out, I have the feeling that I am moving in the right direction”, said Katia.

Sinopse Earth-Human Connections

The connections between Earth and humans take us on a fascinating journey through its history. The timeline begins at the formation of our planet and spans billions of years, when humans became inhabitants of Earth. On the one hand, the intelligent human brain has enabled the development of brilliant technologies and a complex society. On the other hand, humans have participated in the uncontrolled exploitation of natural resources and are thought to have caused several problems for other living beings on our planet.

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