Former Beauty Queen Cullen Johnson Hill Gets Candid About Her Journey to Sobriety and Inspires Others to Quit Drinking – TikTok Video

by time news

Former Miss America Runner-Up Opens Up About Journey to Sobriety

Cullen Johnson Hill, who gained recognition as the first runner-up in the Miss America 1995 pageant, is sharing her raw and unfiltered experience of overcoming addiction in an effort to inspire others to seek help.

In a recent TikTok video posted on Nov. 29, Hill opened up about her struggles with alcoholism and the consequences she faced as a result. “I’ve just come from jail, serving my time that I owed from my second DUI, and this will be my journey,” she said. “I’m so much better when I’m sober. You’re like, ‘Yeah, no kidding, because you look like crap.'”

Pointing out her black eye and short haircut, Hill expressed her desire for viewers to see the harsh reality of her life as she holds herself accountable to stay clean after serving 30 days behind bars.

“I am an alcoholic, and I’ve been struggling with this since I was 24,” she shared. “But I just wanted to give a message to all of you to let you know that there’s hope.”

Tearing up, Hill pleaded with those who may be struggling with addiction. “I’m going to be OK. I have a wonderful son and a husband who loves me very much. But I just want to say, please, if you are relapsing, stop. I had four and a half years sober. I know what sobriety is like—and it’s wonderful.”

Hill’s candid and emotional video has garnered attention and praise from viewers, many of whom have commended her bravery in sharing her story and offering hope to those who may be facing similar challenges.

Her openness and honesty serve as a reminder of the importance of seeking support and seeking help when struggling with addiction, as well as the possibility of finding hope and recovery.

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