Former PM’s Sensational Return Sparks Party Division, Brexit Resurgence

by time news

Former PM’s shock return divides party

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak shocked his party and the country with the unexpected appointment of former leader David Cameron as foreign minister on Monday. This move came after Sunak fired interior minister Suella Braverman, whose criticism of the police had threatened his authority.

The return of Cameron, who was also the figurehead of the polarizing Brexit campaign in 2016, raised concerns over the direction of the Conservative Party. It was widely seen as an attempt by Sunak to bring in a more centrist, experienced figure to his administration. This move was largely welcomed by more centrist members of the party but drew criticism from the right, who viewed it as an “ultimate Brexit surrender.”

Braverman, whose defiant stance on police conduct at protests led to her dismissal, has been a controversial figure within the party. Her hardline focus on immigration and social issues has raised concerns among some lawmakers who fear the party is heading in a more extreme direction.

With the Labour Party consistently holding a 20-point lead in polls, Sunak has been under increasing pressure to appeal to a broader voter base. His decision to appoint Cameron was seen by opposition lawmakers and some members of his own party as an act of desperation.

While Sunak seemed to be trying to assert his authority and make strategic changes within his administration, the shock return of Cameron has reignited debates over Brexit and raised questions about the party’s direction in the run-up to the next election expected next year.

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