France is wary of a wounded Italy

by time news

2023-10-06 07:12:55

The French XV, deprived of its playing master Antoine Dupont, plays a decisive match with a view to qualifying for the quarter-finals of the 2023 Rugby World Cup, against Italy, Friday October 7 in Lyon. The Blues know this transalpine team well and expect a reaction after the very heavy defeat suffered by the Italians against the All Blacks.

Published on: 06/10/2023 – 07:12

4 mn

You will be able to follow the France-Italy meeting live on the France 24 website

If Italy is on paper a team within the reach of the Blues, the French prefer to be cautious before facing the Italians on October 7 in Lyon. Starting with their coach Fabien Galthié who recalled that the last match between the two teams had been “very difficult” for the French XV, with a narrow victory obtained in Rome (24-29).

The man with the imposing glasses insisted at a press conference that the humiliation experienced by Italy a week ago against New Zealand (96-17) would provide additional motivation to the Italians. “It’s a team that is injured. We think that this is the biggest difficulty that we will face. (…) We expect a very, very strong reaction from them,” explained Fabien Galthié.

Read alsoRugby: Fabien Galthié is still hungry for the World Cup

Even if Italy collapsed in its last match, this duel remains crucial and should not be taken lightly. “We know very well that it’s a direct elimination match (…) Either you continue and, next week, you prepare for a quarter-final; or you go home”, summarized Maxime Lucu , promoted to starting scrum half in place of captain Antoine Dupont, not yet recovered from his jaw operation but hoped for the quarters.

Blues in search of confidence

Not yet qualified despite their three successes in three matches, the Blues can settle for a draw against Italy to retain first place in Group A and validate their ticket for the rest of the competition. A doubly enhanced defeat (by scoring at least four tries and losing by a maximum of 7 points) could even guarantee them access.

The objective remains to maintain the dynamic of success maintained since the start of the World Cup. And this, to approach the next stage with full confidence, potentially facing South Africa, title holder, and its terrifying pack

The absence of Antoine Dupont, operated on for a maxillo-zygomatic fracture on September 22 and already back in training, upsets the French plans a little. Lucu is in fact a more managerial player than the Toulouse virtuoso. “We work on our strategy, our circuits, our launches… it’s not linked to a single person. It doesn’t matter who plays,” nevertheless tempered third row Grégory Alldritt.

“For several years, the team has remained efficient. We must continue. Antoine is the best player in the world: it is up to the fourteen others to also raise their level of play by 5 or 10% to cope with his absence. I am not worried about Maxime Lucu,” added the Rochelais.

An Italy with “another face”

Even without its best player, the XV of France remains the overwhelming favorite against Italy. In 47 confrontations, the Blues have only fallen three times against the Azzurri, the last dating back to the 2013 Six Nations Tournament (23-18), in Rome.

Ten years and thirteen consecutive successes later, the French display much more certainty and their career in the World Cup so far has demonstrated it. They offered themselves a prestigious opening success against New Zealand (27-13), triple world champion (1987, 2011, 2015) and another, record, against weak Namibia (96-0). The only downside was the sluggish success acquired, with an additional team, against Uruguay (27-12), 17th nation in the world.

As for Italy, it had to digest the wreck experienced last Friday against the New Zealanders. “We are convinced that they will not show the same face. There will be fewer missed tackles on their part, that’s for sure (…) It will be a completely different match. During the first twenty minutes, we have to expect a high level of commitment. It’s going to hit hard,” warned third row Charles Ollivon, who became captain again in Dupont’s absence.

The Blues also mainly “debriefed” their last, laborious match against the Italians during the Six Nations Tournament in February (29-24 victory). Very undisciplined, with 18 penalties conceded, Fabien Galthié’s men were scared against the Toulouse back Ange Capuozzo and his partners, who led by two points at the start of the last quarter of an hour. Beware of the hiccup on Friday in the World Cup.

With AFP

#France #wary #wounded #Italy

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