Free Flu Vaccination Campaign in Ostholstein: Make Your Appointment Today!

by time news

2023-09-16 23:30:00
Free Flu Vaccinations Available in Ostholstein District

Ostholstein residents have the opportunity to receive free flu vaccinations at Holstenstrasse 52 in Eutin on October 10th and October 12th, 2023. The vaccinations will be administered between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Appointments are essential and can be scheduled by calling 04521/788-121 or 04521/788-122.

Influenza, commonly referred to as the flu, should not be mistaken for a common cold or summer flu. The viral flu causes severe and long-lasting symptoms compared to a regular “flu infection”. It spreads through droplets when coughing, sneezing, and physical contact such as shaking hands. In addition to symptoms like headaches, body aches, coughing, runny nose, and hoarseness, affected individuals may experience sweating, chills, high fever exceeding 40° Celsius, and a general sense of weakness. The disease is feared due to its potential complications, including bronchitis and pneumonia, which can lead to death.

Approximately five percent of the population contracts influenza annually, with certain individuals being particularly susceptible. These include individuals over 60 years old, those with chronic diseases of the lungs, heart, circulatory system, liver, and kidneys, as well as diabetics. The flu vaccination is strongly recommended for these groups. People with anemia or immune deficiencies, as well as those who come into contact with many people in settings such as buses, companies, clinics, nursing homes, etc., should also get vaccinated. Pregnant women and people with neurological diseases are also advised to take this preventive measure. A single vaccination is sufficient, and the more people who get vaccinated, the lower the chance of influenza spreading. Vaccinated individuals are significantly less likely to become infected.

In risk groups, the viral flu can prove fatal. The current vaccines are updated annually to account for slight changes in the virus. These vaccines are effective, well-tolerated, and offer protection to up to 90 percent of those vaccinated, depending on their age group. The vaccinations will be administered by local doctors, and the costs will be covered by health insurance companies. Vaccination protection takes around two weeks to build up and lasts for several months, providing timely protection before the flu becomes more widespread in the community.

Individuals who become ill with the flu should take necessary precautions to prevent infecting others. This includes coughing and sneezing into their own sleeve instead of their hands, maintaining distance from others when coughing, using disposable tissues, avoiding close contact with family members, regularly ventilating the room, using separate towels, and maintaining cleanliness in the apartment, particularly in the kitchen and bathroom. Additionally, it is advised to rest at home and practice good hygiene until the illness subsides.

To further strengthen the immune system and minimize the risk of flu illness, individuals are encouraged to engage in regular walks outdoors and consume fresh fruits and vegetables for their vitamin intake. However, it is important to note that these measures cannot entirely eliminate the risk of catching the flu.

For further information about the free flu vaccination and to schedule a personal appointment, residents can contact the Ostholstein District Health Service at 04521/788-121 or 788-122. The vaccination campaign is supported by the Ministry of Justice and Health.

By taking advantage of these free flu vaccinations and adopting proper preventive measures, residents can protect themselves and contribute to reducing the spread of influenza within the Ostholstein community.]
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