Free HIV Testing and Advice on World AIDS Day in Kleve District

by time news

2023-11-27 19:23:00
Kleve District Offers Free Testing and Advice for World AIDS Day

In honor of World AIDS Day on December 1st, the Kleve district is taking steps to raise awareness and offer support to its residents. The district will be providing free testing, information, and advice on HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

The STI and AIDS advisory team will be available throughout the morning to provide testing and advice. The services will be free and anonymous, and anyone interested can visit the district administration without prior registration on Friday, December 1st, from 7 a.m. to 12 p.m.

World AIDS Day is a global initiative to unite people in the fight against HIV, show support for people living with HIV, and commemorate those who have died from an AIDS-related illness. The Kleve district’s efforts to offer free testing and advice demonstrate their commitment to raising awareness and providing support to those affected by HIV and STIs.

This initiative serves as a reminder of the importance of regular testing and seeking information and support for HIV and other STIs. By providing these services free of charge and without the need for prior registration, the Kleve district is removing potential barriers to accessing testing and support.

Residents are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to get tested, receive information, and seek advice on HIV and other STIs. The district’s commitment to offering free testing and advice demonstrates their dedication to promoting community health and well-being.

On December 1st, the Kleve district is taking a proactive step in the fight against HIV and other STIs, and their efforts are sure to have a positive impact on the community.]
#Kleve #district #invites #information #tests #December #1st

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