From January 1, Russians are expected to increase wages, benefits and social benefits

by time news

That the coming year? The answer to this classic question should be sought not from astrologers and predictors, but, first of all, from financiers. If the former draw their information from the location of the luminaries in the sky or lines in the palm of their hand, then the latter – from the figures approved in the budget. These same figures state that almost half of the country’s working people expect a wage increase in 2022, and some categories of Russians – especially families with children – have the right to count on more generous social benefits. The details of who and how much will receive, “MK” disclosed experts.

Increasing the minimum wage

From January 1, 2022, the minimum wage in Russia will increase: it will grow by 8.5% and reach 13,890 rubles. Accordingly, all salaries that are calculated on the basis of this indicator will be increased. Also thanks to this, disability benefits and payments to families with children, whose size is “tied” to the minimum wage, will grow.

Commenting on Mark GOIKHMAN, Chief Analyst at TeleTrade:

“Raising the minimum wage is extremely necessary. However, now we can say: “good, but not enough.” Even its increased growth to 8.5% is clearly not enough to compensate for inflation. Yes, on average, according to Rosstat, it is about this value. But the Central Bank of the Russian Federation also estimates the inflation observed by the population, based on opinion polls. In November, it was 16.2%, that is, twice as high as officially accepted for calculation. And even so, for people with low incomes who receive minimum wages, “their own” price increases are even higher: since they rise to a greater extent for essential goods and services. And even with an increase in the minimum wage, the standard of living of people living on this money will not increase, but still decline. It is unlikely that a working citizen can live normally on 13,890 rubles a month. This is the level of real poverty. And if a person works, he should not receive a salary that leaves him on the brink of poverty. “

Growth of wages of state employees

Starting from the new year, salaries will be increased for Russian state employees working in certain areas: teachers, doctors, university professors, representatives of science and culture. For these purposes, 12 billion rubles have been allocated from the budget.

The indexation of civil servants’ salaries is planned for October 2022, the amount of which will be 4%. This year, civil servants’ salaries were not indexed in order to save money amid the crisis due to the coronavirus pandemic. In 2022, the increase will affect all categories of employees of federal government agencies, as well as judges, prosecutors, employees of the Investigative Committee, federal government civil servants and other categories of employees of federal government agencies.

From October 1 of the next year, an annual increase in the salaries of the military and persons equated to them is also provided. Indexation will be the same 4%.

Natalia MILCHAKOVA, Deputy Head of IAC Alpari comments:

“Raising salaries is always good, but there is a certain nuance in the issue of increasing salaries for these groups of state employees. For example, the specific amount of salary increases for public sector employees depends, according to the May decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, on the size of the average salary in the respective region. For example, the salaries of school teachers, kindergarten teachers and employees of cultural institutions should be, in accordance with the May decrees, at least 100% of the average salary in the region, and the salaries of doctors, university teachers and researchers should be at least 200% of the average salary in region. However, the average salaries in different regions are very different. For example, according to RIA Rating, the range of the most common salaries in Moscow varies from 41 to 117 thousand rubles. per month, in St. Petersburg – from 32 to 73 thousand rubles, and in the Ivanovo region – only 15-31 thousand. Therefore, even after the increase, salaries will not be the same, for example, for a teacher from Moscow and a teacher from Karachay-Cherkessia. “

Increasing the size of child benefits and maternity capital

From February 2022, the maximum allowance for caring for the first child will grow to 31,282 rubles, and the minimum will rise to 7,493 rubles. Now they are 29,600 and 7,083 rubles, respectively.

Also, starting next year, the lump-sum allowance for the birth of a child will be increased – it will amount to 19,981 rubles. At present, this amount is 18,886 rubles.

The minimum allowance for pregnancy and childbirth will be 58,878 rubles, for complicated childbirth – 65,607 rubles. The maximum size is 379,743 rubles.

Also, in 2022, the amount of maternity capital will be increased in Russia. The Russians will be paid 503,237 rubles for their first child. For the second child, the amount of maternity capital will be 665,009 rubles, provided that no funds were received for the first child. In the case of issuing a certificate of maternity capital for the first child, parents will receive an additional payment for the second child in the amount of 161,772 rubles.

Andrey LOBODA, top manager in the field of financial communications, comments:

“Maternity capital has become an important tool in increasing confidence in the future of all families in the country, living from paycheck to paycheck. The ups and downs in the labor market and the declining purchasing power of the ruble have become serious problems limiting the development of the institution of the family. Maintaining the birth rate and increasing it against the backdrop of an increase in the quality of life is the most important task. The measure is being successfully implemented, the capital is being indexed – thank you very much, it’s time to implement programs for the introduction of maternity capital for the third child. It is important that maternity capital ceases to be a gender concept. Both single fathers and guardians who conscientiously took children under their wing can count on him. I think if the ruble does not collapse again, and in the coming year the budget bins will again burst with collected taxes, then we can already start talking about increasing maternity capital and up to 700 thousand rubles for large families. The quality of life should increase, for families the key concerns remain to provide higher education for their children and improve living conditions. The maternity capital has already given a start to a successful life for the most purposeful Russians. “

Unemployment benefits will rise

The maximum unemployment benefit in 2022 will increase by 662 rubles. As a result, the amount of payments will reach 12,792 rubles. The Ministry of Labor of Russia stressed that the conditions for receiving benefits do not change. After registering as an unemployed person, they will receive 75% of their earnings in the first three months, but no more than 12,792 rubles. In the next three months – 60% of earnings, but no more than 5 thousand rubles. The maximum allowance is assigned to Russians who have worked continuously and have lost income, the minimum – to those who have not worked or have not worked for a long time, or were fired for failure to fulfill their duties.

Commenting on Mark GOIKHMAN, Chief Analyst at TeleTrade:

“Raising the maximum unemployment benefit, especially by such a small amount, will have practically no consequences for the unemployed themselves. It acts as a kind of “transit” support payments for a limited period required to find a new job. The repayment period within one year should not exceed 6 months. This is slightly less than the average required to find a new job. It is 6.9 months for women, 7 months for men, according to Rosstat. Moreover, only 26.6% of the unemployed used the appeal to the employment service, which was necessary to receive benefits, as a way to find a job. Of the 3.3 million unemployed able-bodied population, only a third – 1.1 million – were registered, and 0.6 million people received benefits. Thus, no more than 18% of all unemployed had benefits. In fact, it is not a significant element of social support, although it performs its important function when necessary ”.


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