FSB discovers caches of weapons and explosives in Crimea

by time news

In the Simferopol and Leninsky regions of Crimea, caches of explosives, weapons and ammunition were found, Kommersant was told in the regional press service of the FSB. According to Chekists, the caches were carefully disguised with construction debris. Explosives experts seized two metal canisters with a charge of TNT blocks with a total weight of 20 kg. They also found a metal pipe stuffed with a charge of TNT checkers, electric detonators, two initiating agents and an anti-tank mine.

“The Investigation Department opened criminal cases under Part 1 of Art. 222.1 (illegal acquisition, transfer, storage, transportation, transfer or carrying of explosives or explosive devices) and Part 1 of Art. 223.1 (illegal manufacture of explosives) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The search for people involved in the creation of these caches continues,” the press service said.

Last week, the security forces reported on the prevention of a terrorist attack in Crimea, which was prepared by supporters of the Right Sector (the organization was recognized as extremist and banned in Russia, its Crimean division was recognized as terrorist). According to preliminary data, the goal of the radicals was a small suburban chapel located near the road from Simferopol airport, along which high-ranking officials and businessmen are often transported.

Alexander Dremlyugin, Simferopol

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