FTC files appeal in Activision takeover battle

by time news

2023-07-13 02:22:35

Washington The struggle for the takeover of the video game manufacturer Activision Blizzard by Microsoft is entering a new round in the USA. The US competition authority FTC announced on Wednesday that it would appeal against the rejection of its application for a temporary blocking of the largest deal in the video games industry to date. The filing with the court did not provide further details on the appeal. Microsoft did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment.

A federal court on Tuesday denied the FTC’s motion to stop the takeover. In its application for an injunction, the US judge ruled that the FTC was unable to demonstrate that Microsoft would no longer release the game “Call of Duty” for Sony’s PlayStation after a takeover by Activision or that competition would be substantially affected by the deal Jacqueline Scott Corley.

Industry regulators fear the deal could hurt competition because the deal would give Microsoft better access to popular games like Call of Duty. The software giant then offered, among other things, the granting of long-term licenses for the Activision classic game to competitors. The US group’s Xbox console competes with Sony’s PlayStation and Nintendo’s Switch.

More: Microsoft’s $69 billion takeover draws near

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