Fuel distribution through ration system; Long queue at pump games in Sri Lanka | | srilanka

by time news
Colombo: Ration issues in Sri Lanka as a result of the financial crisis The distribution of fuel through the system began. Silo, a government-owned petroleum company in Sri Lanka This was reported by the Petroleum Corporation.

Fuel of Rs.1000 / – per pump for two wheelers at one time. Permission is granted. 1500 for three-wheelers and Rs. 5,000 for cars, jeeps and vans. You can also refuel the fuel. There is no ration for vehicles like lorries and buses.

At the same time, with the implementation of fuel ration, petrol pumps are in front. The longest queue in the country is seen. This leads to problems between people. 12 hrs per day as the value of the Sri Lankan Rupee falls daily Ran is the power cut in Sri Lanka.

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