Full-fledged parents: this is how Rotem Sela caught her husband in the early hours of the morning

by time news

The presenter and the actress Rotem Sela and her husband Ariel Rutter Make sure to fulfill their annual obligations as parents of children, no matter how privileged and famous they are. After Sela volunteered to join an annual trip on behalf of her daughter’s school, it is the father’s turn to fulfill his role as a parent to a student at the school.

This morning, Rotter, owner of the “Castro” fashion chain, arrived early and showed up at the weapon guards, hugged and drove on behalf of the Golden Guards as part of the class parents round. The waitress and his wife, Rotem Sela, who was just passing through the intersection, recorded her husband wearing the famous yellow vest and wrote: “Trying to seduce me with this yellow vest in the golden shifts. It’s working for you honey, keep going.”

Rotem Sela documents her husband Ariel Rotter (photo: Instagram screenshot, Yonatan Zindel, Flash 90, Instagram screenshot, Rafi Deloya, Ran Yehezkel)

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