Functions for the first grade of the Rhodes Music College – 2024-05-25 02:07:06

by times news cr

2024-05-25 02:07:06

The purposes of the mother and father/guardians of scholars of the sixth Grade of Major Faculties, for his or her admission to the first Excessive College of the Music College of Rhodes, proceed till Friday, Could 31, 2024 at 14:00.

The Music Faculties of Greece are public instructional establishments that mix normal training with specialised musical training. On the Rhodes Music College, our college students have the chance to study music concept, study to play varied musical devices and take part in choirs and orchestras, having fun with a wealthy and inventive instructional program that features, along with normal training programs reminiscent of all excessive colleges and excessive colleges: programs in European and conventional music concept and concord, programs in studying musical devices (lyre, tambourine, canon, piano, guitar, violin, trumpet, flute, percussion, and so forth.), participation in musical ensembles and choirs , alternatives to take part in live shows, music, theater and cultural occasions.

Becoming a member of the Music College offers college students the chance to domesticate their expertise, develop their abilities and specific themselves creatively. On the identical time, we be certain that they obtain a complete normal training, as supplied by the great curriculum, which incorporates all the topics of a daily Center College and Excessive College.

On the Music College, we place particular emphasis on the holistic improvement of our college students. Music training is just not solely restricted to the event of technical musical efficiency abilities, but additionally promotes emotional intelligence, vital considering and creativity. By means of day by day contact with music, our college students study to cooperate, settle for, assist, talk successfully and develop their self-confidence.

Our academic program is designed based on fashionable pedagogical strategies and relies on energetic studying and participatory instructing. Our academics, with experience and expertise in music training and normal training programs, information college students by way of a supportive and inspiring atmosphere.

As for the College’s infrastructure, it was just lately upgraded with interventions in all lecture rooms and customary areas. There may be free meals and transport and the additional music classes are free as it’s a public faculty.

For extra details about the registration course of and necessities, please go to our web site: We notice that the choice course of doesn’t concern examinations in musical information, nor within the efficiency of musical devices, however in musical notion talents. Telephones: 2241067850, 2241065651. E mail:

Let’s give our youngsters the chance to stay the expertise of music training and turn into members of the massive household of the Rhodes Music College, experiencing the “dialogue” and partnership of music and normal training classes

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