Gabon has no arrears with the IMF

by time news

2023-11-27 10:16:08

DIG/ Contrary to the information conveyed by several online media, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) did not suspend its 3rd review with Gabon “due to external debt arrears and budgetary slippages”,

According to the Ministry of the Economy and Participations contacted by the editorial staff of the daily l’Unionthis information is several months old and dates from before the Transition period.

Gabon is currently up to date with the IMF in its budget support program concluded in 2021.

“Gabon has no arrears to the IMF”, confirmed a senior ministry official cited by the government daily.

Indeed, during the Saudi Arabia-Africa Summit last October, the President of the Transition personally reassured all donors of Gabon’s desire to respect all its commitments despite the slippages committed by the former deposed regime. .

In barely two months of operation, the authorities of the Transition have succeeded in paying off a large part of the debts owed to several international financial institutions.

These include the World Bank (WB), the International Monetary Fund, the African Development Bank (AfDB), the French Development Agency (AFD), and the Islamic Development Bank (IDB).

“The deadlines with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund are being met.

Our debt to the African Development Bank has been paid, the debts to the French Development Agency have been paid off and the debt contracted to the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) has also been cleared. indicated the Head of State.

(Source : L’Union)

#Gabon #arrears #IMF

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