Gabonese Youth invited to commit to Security (…) – Gabonews

by time news

2023-12-28 13:34:39

Gabonese Youth invited to commit to Food and Nutritional Security in 2024

December 28, 2023

Subject: Invitation to commit to Food and Nutritional Security in 2024.

Dear young people and youth leaders of Gabon,

We hope that this invitation will find you in perfect health and with overflowing energy at the end of the year.

Allow us to express our delight at the idea of ​​inviting you to actively engage in 2024 and specifically in the promotion of Food and Nutritional Security within our community.

Malnutrition remains one of the major challenges facing our society. This is why we are launching a vibrant appeal to Gabonese youth to mobilize and become ambassadors of Food and Nutritional Security.. Your dynamism, creativity and passion are essential assets to provide innovative and sustainable solutions.

Why get involved?

1. Impact Positif : Your involvement can change the lives of many people by helping to ensure healthy and nutritious food for all.

2. Leadership Inspirant : By becoming Food and Nutrition Safety Ambassadors, you will play a crucial role in inspiring other young people to follow your example.

3. Development Opportunities : This initiative offers unique opportunities for personal and professional development, allowing you to learn new skills and create meaningful networks.

4. Participation in the Parliamentary Alliance : As young ambassadors, you will be integrated into the activities of the Gabonese Parliamentary Alliance, working together with parliamentarians and stakeholders to develop effective policies.

How to get involved?

1. Participation Active : Attend sessions, workshops and events organized by the Parliamentary Alliance to deepen your understanding of issues related to Food and Nutritional Security.

2. Sharing Ideas : Share your innovative ideas and practical solutions to address today’s malnutrition challenges.

3. Sensitization : Help raise awareness in the community by sharing information and positive messages about healthy eating habits.

4. Local Projects : Participate in the implementation of local projects aimed at improving food security in your community.

5. Networking : Establish links with other committed young people, experts and civil society actors working in the field of Food and Nutritional Security.

Your commitment can be the catalyst for meaningful change, and we are confident that Gabonese youth have the potential to be at the forefront of this positive transformation.

Join us in 2024 in this exciting adventure and together let’s contribute to creating a future where Food and Nutritional Security is a reality for all.

We look forward to your active participation and dedication to this noble cause.


Youth Leader and Committed Citizen

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