Gabriel Attal’s general policy speech hit by the agricultural crisis

by time news

2024-01-30 09:00:08
Gabriel Attal and Jérôme Bayle at the blocking point of the A64 motorway near Carbonne (Haute-Garonne), January 26, 2024. ULRICH LEBEUF/MYOP POUR “LE MONDE”

Gabriel Attal had dreamed of a better entrance on stage. But the Prime Minister, so attentive to the weight of the image, was unable to prevent the anger of the farmers from overshadowing his agenda. And it is in a Paris protected by the police deployed by the Ministry of the Interior to prevent tractors from blocking and“starve” France’s Island according to the demands of certain operators – that the head of government was to deliver his general policy speech on Tuesday January 30.

Three weeks after his surprise appointment to Matignon, Gabriel Attal, 34, has already encountered the exercise of power, facing a first major crisis, caused by the exasperation of farmers, symbols of an earthly France loved by citizens. A baptism of fire for the elected official from Hauts-de-Seine, more familiar with the concerns of the city than those of the countryside. In the event of a fiasco, if the crisis were to get bogged down, or even to contaminate other sectors, the Prime Minister would emerge weakened. Discredited. For the moment, if he has not been able to completely appease the wrath of peasants, the head of government has, according to the Elysée, made “what he was named for”contributing, through its first announcements, Friday January 26, to initiate a de-escalation.

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The head of government should have words, Tuesday, for this agricultural world which says it is crushed by administrative red tape and suffers from not being able to make a decent living from its work. This France which “gets up at dawn”according to the Prime Minister, is part of this “French spirit” that Gabriel Attal intends to praise in the Hemicycle. And if a new round of announcements, expected by professionals, is not revealed to parliamentarians, the Prime Minister will return to on ” method “ : “Make a diagnosis, speak the truth and provide results”, we explain Rue de Varenne. The baton will be passed to Emmanuel Macron to carry the voice of French farmers within European bodies in order to limit the constraints imposed by Brussels and resist the signing of the free trade treaty with Mercosur, which brings together several South American countries. South.

His vision of the ecological transition

This massive support for farmers includes red, ecological lines. The Prime Minister, who says little on this major issue for future generations, does not intend to give in, Matignon is assured, on public health issues, concerning, for example, pesticide spraying areas. And, based on this imperative, Gabriel Attal will have the opportunity to detail his vision of the ecological transition on Tuesday. A strong expectation, within the left wing of Macronie.

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