Gabriel Rufián warns Sánchez that he now has no Citizens: “Don’t play it”

by time news

2023-11-15 22:48:31

BarcelonaFor the second time in a row, Esquerra will allow Pedro Sánchez to be president of the Spanish government. He did it four years ago in exchange for opening a dialogue table between the Generalitat and Moncloa, and he will do it this time in exchange for an amnesty law, the transfer of Rodalies and the forgiveness of part of the debt of FLA. However, the current scenario has changed compared to that of 2019 and Gabriel Rufián has taken to the podium of Congress with a message for Pedro Sánchez and another for Junts. The PSOE candidate for the investiture has been warned that, unlike four years ago, this time there are no Citizens in Congress and, therefore, the PSOE has no alternative majority. “Don’t play with it,” he warned him – in a speech he gave in Spanish, except for a part in Catalan. And at Junts, Rufián has given them the “welcome” to the strategy of dialogue with the State. A message, yes, wrapped in reproaches. “I promise you that when the PSOE tries to deceive you, we will never say that it is your fault. We will always say that it is whose fault it is, the PSOE. And we will help them to prevent it from happening”, he said: “Compliance with the agreements will be much more complicated than making a tweet.”

Gabriel Rufián: “Complying with the agreements will be much more complicated than making a tweet”

Gabriel Rufián: “It’s not that we don’t have faith, it’s that we have memory”

Last week, neither the president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, nor the republican spokeswoman, Raquel Sans, expressed concern about the Junts agreement to invest Pedro Sánchez for the first time. It was this Wednesday and disobeying his maxim, which assures that he is not talking about Junts, when Rufián went through accounts with Carles Puigdemont’s party. “They say they have achieved a historic agreement. They have achieved an amnesty announced two weeks ago,” he said. The Republican spokesman has also reprimanded the board members who have presented as innovative that the PSOE has “recognized the political conflict” in Catalonia: “The PSOE recognized it in 2019”.

Demands commitment from Sánchez

Once again, Gabriel Rufián claimed that the end of the repression came from the dialogue table and predicted that “perhaps”, in the future, it will help to call a referendum. A message that Sánchez has not accepted, but has insisted on dialogue to overcome the “social fracture” in Catalonia and also overcome the “immobilist” strategy of the PP. The socialist leader has committed to reaching a “broad agreement that includes the maximum of Catalan society” and that is framed within the Constitution. Needless to say, he has also reaffirmed his commitment to amnesty as a “next step” in the de-judicialization of the conflict.

Before the end of the debate, the spokeswoman for the PP, Cuca Gamarra, asked the president of the Congress, Francina Armengol, to remove from the journal of the sessions what Rufián said about the Spanish judiciary. The Republican spokesman spoke of “judicial war” and pointed directly at the judge of the National Court Manuel García Castellón, who is investigating the case of Democratic Tsunami and the CDRs.

#Gabriel #Rufián #warns #Sánchez #Citizens #Dont #play

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