Gadi Taub attacks “time” after its dismissal: “Engages in inciting anti-Semitism”

by time news

The journalist Dr Gadi Taub He was at the center of an uproar after the newspaper “time” announced that they would stop publishing his articles, which they claimed was due to the change of government in Israel and his support for legal reform.

Tonight (Thursday) on Ben Caspit and Aryeh Eldad’s program on 103FM, Taub commented on the decision and claimed that: “I also did something, but mainly the conditions changed, they wrote to me, and since they are, as they say, at the forefront of the fight against them, they call it a coup, I call This is a reform, so they think that now democracy is on the defensive, and they can’t even publish articles that would give a majority to what they call a coup. In other words, the time newspaper is afraid that my opinion will reach its readers and might convince them, God forbid.”

“It’s completely their right, I’m not debating the rights at all, I’m just saying, it’s terribly weak, it’s terribly poor in my eyes. The ‘Mida’ website is a distinctly right-wing website. ‘time’ is not only a distinctly left-wing newspaper, it’s an anti-Zionist newspaper. “time” has a very extreme position, and that is also his right, the market is free and that is his right. I think that in “time” dishonesty is practiced, I think that a terrible dishonesty is practiced regarding the reform,” he added.

According to him, “They simply set up a false screen, and I think what happened strategically is that as long as I did not really harm their position, or in their opinion I did not harm, or that my benefit to the newspaper exceeded the harm I was causing to the position, so they let me write. I think there are people there who really believe in pluralism, and I think this decision was imposed by Shokan himself, and he does not believe in pluralism.”

Later, he supported the words of Communications Minister Karai who said that he would stop publishing government ads in the time newspaper. “That the state should not pay a newspaper that not only criticizes it, it is against it, that it provides most of the incendiary material for neo-Nazi websites by defaming us, this is the most cited source on Nazi websites, because it really deals with inflaming anti-Semitism, so why should the state finance the This? Especially in the era of the Internet.”

“Perhaps the state will stop publishing ads in newspapers altogether. This thing has become a service in which the state simply supports newspapers, and there is no point in it in my eyes in any case. There is no need for them to publish tenders on the Internet. I have no pain, you are wrong, I have no pain at all. I had a big stomachache To advertise with them myself, I knew I was a fig leaf, on the one hand, and I thought on the other hand that maybe I was reaching enough people.”

Amos Shoken’s response has not yet been received.

Editing: Yordan Hadad, 103fm

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