Gain muscles and lose weight: colon cleanse

by time news

2016-08-17 14:39:38

​The key to lose weight and building muscles is cleansing the colon with healthy foods. It is the first step to take when you start a healthy diet, to keep diseases miles away from your life.

The accumulation of waste on the walls of the colon creates diseases that do not help you achieve your health goals. An average person is exposed to more than 123 toxic chemicals a day, via food, water, air, anxiety, stress, pollution.

Why can’t I lose weight and feel sick?

Because the colon is dirty and blocked. You need to change your attitude towards life, think more enthusiastically, set health goals and achieve them. And everything will change, feeling different.

These are the symptoms of lack of colon detoxification:

Can’t lose weight



Does not increase muscle mass

Hormonal imbalance



Presence of pain in joints and muscles.

Constant Insomnia

Mucous secretion

Difficulty breathing



Vision problems



Candida (fungal infection)

What are the benefits of cleansing the colon with healthy foods?

Improves digestion.

Helps Lose Weight.

Reduces the risk of colon cancer.

Helps with PH balance in the bloodstream.

Increases energy.

Helps with increasing muscle mass.

Increases fertility.

Improves concentration.

The body can better absorb nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Helps prevent constipation.

Food menus for colon cleansing, in the 1st stage you aim to gain muscles and lose weight:

To avoid:

Fried foods.

Dairy such as milk, cheese, sour cream.

Processed and refined foods (white sugar) remember to use honey.

Sugary drinks, soft drinks, caffeine.


Change your diet to foods that provide you with enough fiber, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

Pay attention to chewing your food well, sleeping better, doing outdoor activities, and drinking enough water during the day.

Perform colon cleansing regularly to maintain a healthy colon and ward off cancer to live longer.

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This entry 1st stage: Goals to Gain Muscle and Lose Weight has been published in Healthy and Happy Diet.

Created: 08/17/2016 16:08

This information should never replace a doctor’s opinion. If you have any questions, consult with professionals.

#Gain #muscles #lose #weight #colon #cleanse

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