Garage Plana is organizing a week of tests of its 100% electric EQ range

by time news

2023-06-23 06:30:00

The vehicles in the EQ range are 100% electric.

If you want to go to the electric mobility and receive advice from expert personnel in the product, Flat Garage, official Mercedes-Benz dealeroffers you the possibility to do so and participate in one Test Drive Week which has organized so that you can try their 100% electric EQ range. The tests will be done from June 26 to 30 at the concessionaire’s facilities located in Fornells de la Selva.

You will be able to discover the vehicle that best suits your needs and you will be able to benefit fromexclusive advantages thanks to the Sustainable Aid Plan.

To participate in the test and learn first hand the range of vehiclesget advice from staff and expert professionals and also benefit from all the advantages, you must make an appointment by calling the phone 673 137 137.

#Garage #Plana #organizing #week #tests #electric #range

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