Gay men may donate blood faster

by time news

Since 2017, men who have sex with men (MSM) are only allowed to donate blood one year after their last sexual contact. This serves to minimize the chance that someone will contract HIV undetected, and thus infect the recipient via the blood.

According to the Superior Health Council (SHC), the latest scientific data shows that donation can be made faster. In a recently released advisory report, two options are put forward: the deadline for donating blood will be shortened from 12 to 4 months, or the deadline will be lifted altogether, provided that – among other things – the conversation is approached differently just before the blood donation.

The experts of the SHC were divided on how far the proposal could go. As a precautionary principle, half of them do not want to make the term shorter than four months. For the other half it could be smoother.

The fact that the term is already shorter than 5 years ago, which is also the case in the surrounding countries, is due to a ‘significant decrease in the incidence of HIV infections, which caused the viral circulation between 2015 and 2021 to increase by more than 5 years,’ according to the SHC. a third has fallen’. Although HIV in Belgium continues to be very common among MSM, it is said. Further study should clarify what the most feasible option is. Afterwards, a change in the law is required.

Risky Behavior

There is, however, a new problem. The relatively new HIV treatments PrEP and PEP have a residual risk of infection and can lead to extra risky behaviour. Pending any easing, campaigns should point out the risks.

LGBT association Çavaria hopes for clarity soon. ‘It is positive that the option is being pushed forward, based on new scientific evidence. Several MSM still feel excluded from donation.’

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