Gaza Strip, first aid. WHO: “Insufficient drugs”

by time news

2023-10-21 11:27:47

The first aid trucks enter Gaza, passing through the Rafah crossing. Food, water and medicines are arriving for the population of the Strip, which for 2 weeks has been hit by Israeli raids in a situation of total emergency, without water and electricity. The WHO keeps the alarm on: the passage of the first trucks does not resolve the health emergency, with hospitals collapsing and patients at risk of dying due to lack of treatment.

“The supplies currently destined for Gaza will barely begin to meet growing health needs as hostilities continue to escalate. An enhanced and protected aid operation is desperately needed,” the WHO reports, announcing this morning that the first “4 trucks carrying WHO medical supplies have started moving towards the Rafah border crossing, headed to Gaza.”

Among the materials destined for the Palestinian enclave there are medicines for trauma, other aid for 1,200 people, 235 kits to stabilize the injured on site, medicines aimed at the treatment of chronic diseases for 1,500 patients, essential basic medicines and health supplies for 300 thousand people for 3 months.

“They are a lifeline for the seriously injured or those suffering from chronic conditions or other illnesses, who have endured 2 harrowing weeks of limited access to care and severe shortages of medicines and medical supplies,” explains the UN agency for health. But predicting that the conflict will continue, the WHO specifies, these materials will “barely” be able to begin to respond to the health needs of the population.

“The World Health Organization calls for protection of humanitarian teams in Gaza and lasting humanitarian access,” wrote WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in X. The health supplies waiting to enter Gaza included “drugs for trauma and chronic diseases and basic essential medicines”, recalls the WHO Director General.

#Gaza #Strip #aid #Insufficient #drugs

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