Gérard Larcher refuses to attend the National Council for Refoundation

by time news

“I think that this body cannot achieve the renovation of democracy to which you aspire”… Gérard Larcher wrote to Emmanuel Macron to tell him that he would not participate in the National Council for Refoundation (CNR), said -we learned on Monday from a source close to President LR of the Senate, confirming information from Le Figaro.

The CNR wanted by Emmanuel Macron must be launched on September 8. Political leaders, associations, parliamentarians, trade unions in particular are invited to discuss the necessary reforms on various subjects: health, public services, education, etc.

Larcher deplores “a confusion of roles”

For the President of the Senate “the mechanisms of participatory democracy can help to enlighten national representation, but they can in no way replace it”.

“Wanting to bring together in the same body parliamentarians, the only ones constitutionally empowered to pass the law and control the executive, and representatives of civil society (…) can only lead to a confusion of roles”, adds -he.

And “the risk of confusion that the National Council for Refoundation conceals and the uncertainties that remain about its true role” are perceived “as a form of circumvention of Parliament, that is to say of national representation”, adds- he.

The Republicans, insubordinate France and the National Rally have already announced that they will boycott the CNR.

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