German Chancellor and US President Discussed Situation Near Ukraine’s Borders | News from Germany about Germany | Dw

by time news

Federal Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz held the first telephone conversations with US President Joe Biden. Biden congratulated Scholz on his appointment as chancellor, German government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit said on Friday, December 10, on Twitter.

According to Hebestreit, the leaders of the two countries have confirmed the close ties between Germany and the United States. Scholz and Biden agree that the transatlantic friendship is indispensable for meeting current and future challenges.

Concentration of Russian troops near Ukraine

In turn, the White House said that President Biden had discussed with Chancellor Scholz the problem of the concentration of Russian troops near Ukraine. In addition, the leaders of the two states intend to continue to work together on the entire spectrum of global problems, including combating the COVID-19 pandemic and combating climate change.

The new government of the Federal Republic of Germany

Earlier, on December 10, it was reported that according to the results of a poll by the second German television channel ZDF Politbarometer, 77 percent of Germans believe that Scholz will lead the German government “fairly well”. In addition, 58 percent of respondents have a positive attitude towards the formed government of the “traffic light” coalition of the Social Democratic Party (SPD), the Greens and the Free Democratic Party (FDP).

The new German government, headed by Social Democratic Chancellor Olaf Scholz, took office on 8 December.

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