German companies and LGBT +: where is the most comfortable place to work? | Study and work in Germany | Dw

by time news

More and more often, one can hear from German employers about the desire to diversify the workforce in order to resist discrimination, and at the same time to increase creativity and efficiency in work. And we are talking not only about an increase in the number of women among employees, but in general about mixed teams, in which representatives of different ages, different sexual orientations, ethnic and religious affiliations work.

To check how this is done in deeds, and not in words, the Berlin-based Uhlala Group examines the situation in firms every year. Since this company provides services for the social and labor integration of representatives of the LGBT + community, in the study it is primarily interested in what exactly employers in Germany are doing to be more open towards lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people. Based on the results of the audit, in which firms participate of their own free will and free of charge, the Uhlala Group compiles a rating of companies that follow the principles of equality and support LGBT people – the Pride Index. Who is leading in it in 2021?

Openness rating in relation to LGBT +

If earlier the focus was only on the DAX index companies, this time the list was expanded to include large and medium-sized businesses. The situation was investigated in 150 firms from the fields of consulting, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, IT, banking, financial and legal services. The questionnaire consisted of more than seven dozen questions related to the organizational structure, personnel policy, communication and legal prerequisites. In particular, the researchers were interested in whether companies have a referent to whom an LGBT + employee can turn for support in case of discrimination, whether firms indicate their friendliness towards LGBT + in their job advertisements, whether they conduct special seminars for employees, use whether the language is gender neutral; whether sanctions are applied in cases of discrimination.

Not only at gay pride parades: Germany is increasingly talking about the importance of diversity and equality

As a result, more than half of the companies passed the exam successfully: 15 medium-sized and 62 large companies received a positive assessment. The results showed that firms that are in fierce competition for knowledge-based talents are more open. The leaders among large enterprises were the Munich-based insurance company Allianz, the software manufacturer SAP (the leader in the ratings of previous years) and the McKinsey consulting company. All three employers scored over 90 percent of the possible points. The top 10 Pride Index also includes Accenture, Pfizer Deutschland, AXA, BAYER, AlixPartners, Arvato Financial Solutions and Metro. The list of midsize businesses is topped by online job market Monster and Greenpeace.

Inclusiveness and potential for improvement

According to surveys, 30 percent of LGBT + employees are discriminated against in the workplace. 20 percent fear that coming out could harm their career, and for young employees, the employer’s openness towards LGBT + is much more important than the salary at the start. In general, the topic of inclusiveness in business has begun to be given more importance, notes the Uhlala Group. The number of companies providing training for managers and personnel is growing. Two-thirds of firms have initiated special projects to raise awareness and tolerance among heterosexual employees. Most work collectives have formed groups that conduct educational activities and help advocate for rights.

“We understand that despite all the measures to increase tolerance, it is possible that individual employees face negative attitudes from colleagues or managers. But we are still convinced that education, training and empowerment for LGBTIQ + employees significantly contribute to the fact that in the team all employees were appreciated “, – emphasize in the Uhlala Group.

Its openness rating demonstrates what companies should strive for and identifies weaknesses. Despite the progress, there is potential for improvement. According to the findings of the study authors, companies attach much more importance to internal and external communication than directly working with future and current employees. Inclusion issues are seen in paperwork and business language. Not enough educational work is being done about trans people.

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