Germany elections, exit polls and live results. Head to head between Scholz and Laschet: Spd with a slight advantage. Third greens but decreasing

by time news

It will be a head to head between the SPD candidate Olaf Scholz and the challenger of the CDU Armin Laschet: the first exit polls that arrive after the closing of the polling stations in Germany confirm the expectations of the eve, with the two main parties to fight for the first position. The Social Democrats al 26% according to the survey of Zdf, followed by the Cdu / Csu al 24%. I gave confirm themselves as third but still lose compared to expectations: they are estimated at 14,5%, chased by free (Fdp) al 12. According to the same exit polls, the populist right of AfD would stop at 10%, while the left would collapse at 5%, the percentage required to enter the Bundestag. According to the exit polls ofHigh, on the other hand, al 25% both the Social Democrats of the SPD and the CDU / CSU (20 for the CDU, 5 for the CSU). The Greens are al 15%, the liberals of the Fdp at 11%, like the Afd. Linke is still at 5 percent risk.

The seats of the Super Election Sunday, the super Sunday election in Germany, closed at 18: over 60 million Germans called to vote to elect the Bundestag and decide who will lead the country after the end of the era Angela Merkel. All ore 14 the Electoral Bureau had registered a turnout at 36,5%, slightly down from the 41.1% recorded in 2017 at the same time. However, the German press underlines the variable of vote by mail: it is estimated that around the 40% of Germans chose this option, while four years ago it was only 28.6%. Correspondence cards represent an unknown factor also with respect to the reliability of exit polls.

Laschet’s gaffe – The case unleashed by Laschet, candidate for chancellor of the Cdu-Csu, which according to the polls will engage the Social Democratic challenger in a head-to-head, Olaf Scholz. The conservative premier of North Rhine Westphalia voted for Aachen, ma bent the card wrong in the urn: in the usual photo, his are clearly seen two crosses for the CDU. A reason for embarrassment but also for controversy, because many have argued that his vote was thus invalid. Then came the clarification of the federal electoral office on Twitter: “A politician known at the federal level voted according to the waited for his party. An influence on the elections cannot be detected ”, it reads. In any case, for Laschet this is the umpteenth gaffe during the election campaign, such as laughter during the speech of the head of state, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, for the victims of the flood. All smooth on the other hand for the candidate Spd Scholz, who voted for Potsdam, just outside Berlin. The same city where the candidate Chancellor of the Greens also voted, Annalena Baerbock.

Chaos in Berlin – In Germany it was called “Superwahlsonntag” because some local votes are added to the national elections. In particular in Berlin, where he also voted for the Mayor, for the Regional Parliament and for the referendum on expropriation of the apartments in the hands of the giants of the real estate sector. They registered in the capital from the early afternoon long queues even an hour to vote and the city-state electoral commission has made it known who will still be queuing at the closing of the polling stations will be able to enter. But the real chaos broke out in the last two hours of voting, because in some seats in the districts Friedrichshain / Kreuzberg e Charlottenburg / Wilmersdorf they are even over ballot papers ahead of schedule.

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