Geyoro after the elimination of PSG Women in the Champions League: “We have to learn from all of this”

by time news

2024-04-29 06:44:05

Despite the elimination of PSG, the Parisian captain wanted to be positive after her team’s new defeat against the Lyonnaises at the Parc des Princes this Sunday (2-1). Geyoro is counting on the upcoming deadlines to bring a smile back to the group: the final of the Coupe de France against Fleury (May 4) and the D1 play-offs (half-finals on May 12)… With a possible opportunity for revenge against at OL.

This goal conceded from the start, it hurt, didn’t it?

GRACE GEYORO. Yes, especially on a set phase and a long shot. It happens very, very quickly. The problem is that when you’re already a goal behind and you score such a goal from the start, it’s a big blow… We tried to come back, to push, but there you go, it’s the soccer…

Was everything decided in the first leg?

I think yes. If we had achieved a better result in the first leg, we would have started this match in better conditions. There are obviously regrets about the first leg when we see the first 70 minutes we spent there and we didn’t come back with a victory. Afterwards, this is what will give us experience. We are a young group. Some had never played in the Champions League. We have to rely on that, these are phrases that we come up with all the time, but we have no choice and it has to pay off in the long term. We have to learn from all this and use it for the future.

And physically, have you fished…

He ran out of juice, that’s for sure. We had a big match there and it left quite a mark. We thought that with public support, it would be better. We used that, but it was difficult in the second half.

What is the outcome at this stage?

It’s sure that today is hard. But we were in three competitions and it was a very satisfactory season. The Coupe de France final (May 4) and the play-off semi-final (D1, May 12) will arrive very quickly and these are great deadlines.

#Geyoro #elimination #PSG #Women #Champions #League #learn

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