Giovanni Gay rises – Johannes Huth stops

by time news

New on the board of the cooperative fund company Union Investment from March: Giovanni Gay.
Image: Union Investment

Croatia wants to collect money from its citizens. Giovanni Gay is promoted at Union Investment, while Johannes Huth is considering retiring at KKR, but applications are useless. Already heard that….

…the government issued a bond in Croatia for the first time, which citizens can prefer to subscribe to? A yield of 3.25 percent is promised for the two-year bond in the new euro country Croatia. The government wants to collect one billion euros. Institutional investors can take over what citizens have not subscribed to by March 1 in minimum amounts of 500 euros. The first listing is scheduled for March 8th.

Inken Schoenauer

Editor in business, responsible for the financial market.

Andreas Mihm

Business correspondent for Austria, Central and Eastern Europe and Turkey based in Vienna.

John Gay (57), previously head of Union Investment’s private customer business and managing director of Union Investment private funds, will join the Management Board of Union Asset Management on March 1, 2023. At the same time, Benjardin Gärtner (51) will join the management of Union Investment private funds.

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