Girona is already warming up its engines for St George’s Day

by time news

Gemma Ventura and Andreu Claret at the Abacus Center Girona

Coinciding with the weekend before the celebration of Sant Jordi, next Sunday, April 23, the bookstores of Girona have lived this Saturday an intense day in which many authors have come to sign copies of their titles. Bookstore 22, Empúries, Les Voltes and Abacus Centre have been the scene of a coming and going of writers like Andreu Claret, Gemma Ventura, Care Santos, Gemma Ruiz, Judit Espígol or Màrius Serra.

Two of the authors most requested by Girona readers have been the journalist and the writer Gemma Ruiz Pala -winner of the Sant Jordi Award 2022 for the novel Our mothers– i Care Santoswhich presents this year The crazy bird. Both have started the day at the Empúries Bookstore, to continue with the Abacus Center and close it at the central Bookstore 22.

Nor have they stopped signing copies Gemma Venturawinner of the 2023 Josep Pla Award for the novel The law of winter; Andrew ClaretRamon Llull Award 2023 for Paris was us; Girona Martí Gironellwith The memory maker i A mole in Ancient Rome; Marc Artigau with Aurora o Marius Serra with The most painted woman.

Bones perspectives

The book sector still looks forward to Sant Jordi this year with very good prospects. The Book Chamber assured this same week that they expect a day with “the biggest deal ever” regarding spaces, stops and signatures of authors throughout Catalonia. In Girona, the book stalls will once again be located on Passeig de la Copa this year.

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