Global Suicide Rates and the Importance of Mental Health Awareness

by time news

2023-07-25 19:51:03

More than 700,000 people around the world leave our world every year due to suicide, which thinking about and taking action is a serious symptom of some mental disorders, such as depression, according to the World Health Organization.

And the World Health Organization indicated that there is a reliable way to save people who have suicidal thoughts, according to CNN. The organization intends to pay close attention to the signs that appear in people suffering from mental disorders, because some of them may be indicators of suicidal tendencies.

The main symptoms of suicidal ideation include severe mood swings, social isolation, expressing thoughts of planning to end one’s life, giving away valuables, repeating phrases like “No one will miss me when I’m gone,” and saying farewell to family and close friends.

If you or someone you know is experiencing these symptoms, it is important to seek help immediately. There are resources available to help individuals struggling with suicidal thoughts, such as helplines and mental health professionals.

It is also important for society as a whole to address the issue of mental health and reduce the stigma surrounding it. By raising awareness and offering support, we can work towards preventing tragic deaths by suicide.

Remember, your life matters and there is always help available.

#Symptoms #suicidal #ideation #signs #ignore

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