Goodbye to the belly. The simple method to get a flat stomach in weeks that blows awayBy Victoria Vera Ziccardi

by times news cr

The arrival of the cold days and autumn months They represent moments of excess in meals. People are beginning to prefer soups, hot chocolates and cooked or baked dishes that help keep the body at a pleasant temperature to be able to cope with changes in the weather.

There are several cases in which people they let themselves go and they neglect their feeding to give free rein to whims and cravings through typical justifications such as ‘I have to warm up’, ‘I have the rest of the year left to train and take care of myself’, ‘fruits and vegetables are for eating in the hot season’.

Some time later the arguments are carried by the wind and Concern arises when the usual clothes are tight or do not fit; also when you start planning a vacation and you are dissatisfied with what is reflected in the mirror. Thus, they generate unrealistic requests and queries in doctors’ offices and gyms whose main objective is to mark the body, ‘lower’ the belly and eliminate recently accumulated fat.

The abdomen area is one of the most difficult to modifyShutterstock

How to get a flat stomach

The keys to achieving the goal of achieving a ‘flat’ abdomen are two: 1) perform physical activity and 2) follow an appropriate eating plan that, in addition to collaborating with the reduction of abdominal fat, also plays a leading role in personal well-being.

Precisely, the abdomen area It is one of the most difficult to modify; However, there are no impossible things. One of the essential habits to achieve this is to exercise and for this it can be beneficial to watch online tutorials or attend personalized classes.

The fitfluencer specialized in training, Maia Henry, shared on TikTok, a brief exercise routine to do from the comfort of home and obtain a less pronounced belly. Among the series that he recommends doing are the mountain climbers, planks, leg raises and crunches.


My go to ab workout to do at home that only takes 10 minutes and will give you a strong core/defined abs✨ reminder that abs are made in gym but will only be visible if you have a healthy diet paired! #abworkout #abworkouts #abworkoutchallenge #athomeabworkout #athomeabs #totalabs #coreworkout #sixpack #sixpackabs #abexercises #abexercise #fitness #gym #workout #flatstomach #flatstomachworkout #beginnerabs #abworkoutathome #abworkoutforgirls #beginnerabs #gymmotivation #motivation

♬ greedy sped up – Tate McRae

You have to decide which is the priority: tone or lose abdominal fat. “The most difficult thing is to lower the fat layer which is under the dermis of the abdomen. Otherwise, When you train the muscle, it begins to tone, but you can’t see it because there is abdominal fat on top.”says the graduate in Nutrition and director of Nutrim, Mariana Patrón Farias.

Reducing it may sound like a complex task, but there are certain guidelines to keep in mind, according to professionals:

  • Sleep bad. Melisa Jurozdicki, pediatrician and obesity specialist, explains that when the imbalance of internal clocks becomes routine, one of the most obvious consequences occurs in intestinal health. “Changes appear in digestion and metabolism; weight increases, blood pressure increases, and the hormones that control appetite become deregulated,” she warns.
  • Have a diet low in phytonutrients. They are substances that come from the plant kingdom, which are not nutrients in themselves, but their consumption offers health benefits. “You should consume foods of plant origin and limit the saturated fats found in meat and high-fat dairy products,” advises the Mayo Clinic.
  • No sugars, alcohol or cigarettes. Patron Farias highlights that these habits are the first to be eradicated since they are harmful to health. Those who smoke have a higher risk of having abdominal fat, which increases the risk of various conditions; and drinking alcohol causes the liver to overwhelm as it tries to eliminate its toxins and those of the foods that accompany it.
Professionals suggest lowering the layer of fat that is under the dermis of the abdomen
Professionals suggest lowering the layer of fat that is under the dermis of the abdomen

Can abdominal fat be reduced in the long term?

It is absolutely avoidable, says sports doctor Alejandra Hintze. “It makes a decrease in fat throughout the body. There is no choice but to make a negative calorie balanceThat is, eating fewer calories than you expend in the day and sustaining it over time,” he says.

The ideal – according to Dr. Hintze – would be ingest about 500 kcal less than what was expended during the day and eat healthily, based on foods that provide nutrients.

Finally, Patrón Farias adds that there are cases in which fat deposits are almost irremediable depending on the stage of life in which one is. “Women who are going through menopause, for example, have hormonal imbalances. “What a difficulty it is to lose fat,” he highlights.

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