Government Dialogues with Opposition on Basis Law and Fiscal Package, Second Chief of Staff José Rolandi to Meet with Legislators

by time news
Second Chief of Staff, José Rolandi (Jaime Olivos)

After more than a week of back-and-forth, the government took note of the reality check given to the Basis law and the fiscal package by the dialogue opposition and gave a nod to save the projects, which will go to the deputies for a second review. Will come back. , Under these parameters, seconded to the Chief of Staff, jose rolandi, Will meet with legislators over the next few hours to go over changes to the initiatives one by one and agree on joint support It completely rejects the total rejection that Kirchnerism proposes, something that was always very far away, beyond the tug-of-war of recent times.

Rolandi’s promise came during the day this Monday, parallel to the continuation of the debate in the plenary session of the General Legislative Commissions; Budget and Treasury; and constitutional matters of the upper house, which is presided over by the head of the first, independent Bartolome Abdala, In fact, Officials were in the Senate this afternoon and confirmed the executive order blocking the chiefsLike the radical Eduardo Visqui (Corrientes) and the official Ezequiel Atauche.

The inevitable honesty of discussion comes after extreme differences between the government and the ruling party. per case, The executive was given a more accurate overview before the start of the debate in the Senate, thanks to the prudent work of close aides to the Vice President and the head of the upper house, Victoria Villarruel, who today wondered about the future. treatment of subjects,

The Casa Rosada ignored that report and showed unnecessary confidence that exposed its own bishops, as it did with officials such as the interior minister since last Tuesday. Guillermo Francos, The much-anticipated signing of the opinion without changes or with partial dissent was hit by questions from senators such as guadalupe tagliaferriwho broke the liberation siege and He managed to get recognition that the writing of an article that would create contradictions in the large investment promotion regime (RIGI) was “unpleasant”.,

Senator Guadalupe Tagliaferri (PRO)

“Before starting, they should have gone to each block leader and asked who wanted changes and then what changes they wanted to make. How are you going to agitate for signatures on the opinion? If you don’t have 37 closed types, you can never do this. He set limits for himself. Beyond good intentions, if you have poor management of the Casa Rosada and you do not give decision-making power to its senators or its officials, it will always be difficult for them. We should not forget that they have seven 72″ MLAs, said a veteran adviser infobaeAs was reported in this medium last weekend.

The strategy that La Libertad Avanza is now trying to implement will also include secret contacts with the government’s premium advisor, santiago caputo, senators considered it too “oily” to resolve other types of conflicts. Meanwhile, discussions will continue with more presentations tomorrow and the Chief of Staff’s delayed first management report is expected on Wednesday. nicholas pauseIn the premises of the Upper House, to comply with what the Constitution directs.

Despite indications, other legislators from the dialogue opposition have not yet been informed about the final meeting with Rolandi and are awaiting the call, and there is still distrust about the move. Meanwhile, provincial officials are in touch with governors for final instructions. RIGI also appears to be a delicate restoration of profits, which almost all provincial leaders want in a situation of fiscal strangulation, but many of their parliamentary terminals will not vote on.

Other items with opposition magnifying glass Some to consider are delegated powers of requested emergencies, deactivation of the pension sector and moratorium, doubts about legal issues related to money laundering – mischief everywhere – and several suggestions for personal assets Let’s focus on the suggestions. Planning is local rather than external.

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