Government’s Decision on Bromma Airport: Impact on Stockholm Region and Future Development – Latest Updates

by time news

The government has announced that the flight at Bromma in western Stockholm will remain.

In the budget bill, they state that Bromma Airport “is of great importance for accessibility for the Stockholm region as well as for the rest of the country, which means that the airport is important for, for example, business and entrepreneurship”.

In September 2020, a report came from state-owned Swedavia, which owns and operates most airports in Sweden. It determined that it was no longer commercially justified to continue operating Bromma Airport.

– Today we announce that the City of Stockholm is terminating the agreement with the state regarding Bromma. The airport must be decommissioned and the land restored by 2038 at the latest, says finance councilor Karin Wanngård (S).

Now the red-green ones start a program work for what they call Bromma park city with roughly 16,000 apartments.

– The area at Bromma airport is larger than both Hammarby sjöstad and Norra Djurgårdsstaden. We also have a responsibility for future Stockholmers, says Karin Wanngård.

Within this area, the majority of City Hall wants to build Bromma parkstad. Photo: City of Stockholm

Councilor Clara Lindblom (V) adds that when the flight disappears, the city can build another 6,000 apartments in the immediate area.

– It is time to stop giving CPR to Bromma airport, says Åsa Lindhagen (MP), environmental and climate councillor.

About Bromma airport should be shut down, Arlanda can take over the traffic in the short term without any major investments needing to be made, according to Swedavia. The airline Brussels airlines moved its flights to Brussels from Bromma to Arlanda last autumn.

Swedavia’s agreement with the city of Stockholm means that the state leases the land around the airport until December 2038.

Can’t the City of Stockholm shorten the lease term?

– No, we have tried, it is a flat no from the government. Now we will make a formal decision in the council before the end of the year to terminate the agreement. It also takes a number of years for Swedavia to restore the land, says Karin Wanngård.

Finance councilor Karin Wanngård (S). Photo: Anders Wiklund/TT

Transport Regional Councilor Anton Fendert (MP) recently said that he is very positive about expanding Stockholm’s subway into a future park city in Bromma.

– It is a project close to my heart, he told DN in January and pointed out that if housing is built in the area, it will place high demands on high-capacity public transport.

– There is probably also some money to be saved if you can expand public transport before there is a lot of other infrastructure to deal with.

The moderates’ group leader in the City HallChristofer Fjellner, apart from Arlanda, wants to prioritize a city airport for mainly domestic flights and describes today’s outcome as “no news”.

– This is symbolic politics and nothing new. It is not news that this gang wants to shut down Bromma, he says.

It is also not ultimately a question for City Hall, but for Swedavia, to make a decision to terminate the agreement, Christofer Fjellner further believes.

– It looks like the amateurs’ Christmas Eve. It is provocative to devote time and resources to this instead of dealing with what is really important and building where you can actually build, he says.

According to Christopher Fjellner it will reasonably take a long time before the land where Bromma Airport is today can be used to build housing.

– No one will put a shovel in the ground there for a long time, he says.

Facts. Bromma airport

Bromma airport was inaugurated by Gustav V in 1936. SAS foreign moved to Arlanda in 1962.

It is the Stockholm area’s most central airport. Bromma is located west of the city center and the distance there is approximately nine kilometers.

The top three destinations are Malmö, Gothenburg and Visby. Foreign destinations are Helsinki and Aarhus.

In 2019, the airport was Sweden’s third largest in terms of passenger numbers.

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Read more: The government wants to preserve Bromma airport

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