Grande Rio passista has arm amputated after surgery to remove fibroids in the uterus – News

by time news

2023-04-24 19:01:17

Passista Alessandra dos Santos Silva had her left arm amputated after being hospitalized for the removal of fibroids in the uterus.

It all started in August last year, when Alessandra began to complain of bleeding and went to the State Hospital for Women in São João de Meriti, in Baixada Fluminense. In January of this year, the young woman was informed by the unit that she would need to undergo surgery to remove fibroids in her uterus.

After being hospitalized and undergoing surgery in February this year, the 35-year-old passista had complications and the family was informed that she would need to remove the entire uterus.

On the 6th of that month, the hospital communicated the need for a transfer to the State Institute of Cardiology Aloysio de Castro, because the dancer’s fingertips and toes were turning dark.

The family says that, on February 10, the Institute informed them that they would have to choose between life and the woman’s arm, and so they authorized the amputation.

After this surgery, Alessandra’s condition worsened and the woman was hospitalized in another health unit before returning to the State Women’s Hospital, from where she was released after more than two months.

The Secretary of State for Health reported that an investigation will be opened to investigate the case.

*Intern of R7under the supervision of PH Rosa

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