“Grill den Henssler”: Dessert drama with Ilka Bessin | Entertainment

by time news

2023-11-06 00:36:05

The anniversary season of “Grill den Henssler” once again provided spectacular moments and emotional stories on Sunday evening.

The celebrity guest list was impressive: track cyclist and inclusion icon Kristina Vogel (32) provided a brilliant starter, the folk music couple Marianne (70) and Michael Hartl (74) talked about some of the most difficult hours while preparing the main course of their lives.

Meanwhile, comedian Ilka Bessin (51) aka “Cindy from Marzahn” didn’t have much time to chat. Her dessert preparation was such a disaster that TV chef and opponent Steffen Henssler (51) jumped to her side to help.

“Grill den Henssler”: Everything went wrong for Ilka Bessin!

lka Bessin tried her hand at “crack cake with pear compote and honey cream” and had to use a waffle iron. However, the dough stuck to the device so stubbornly that Ilka started cursing: “Old butterfly, now there’s a moment where I’m about to freak out!”

Cooking coach Maximilian Lorenz observes every move

Photo: Photo: RTL / Basti Sevastos

Cooking coach Maximilian Lorenz kept shouting instructions to her, while Henssler hypocritically shouted: “Is the dough not working again?” Sweating and stressed, Bessin shouted: “You are such a hateful bastard!” Zivi Howan (23) jumped the desperate comedian -Star now aside, even delivered a second waffle iron.

But the next attempt also went so badly wrong that Henssler came and tried to save his guest. He generously donated part of his dough to Ilka. Wontorra could hardly believe it: “Henssler, the savior in times of need!” Shortly afterwards it became clear why Bessin had failed so miserably with her dough. She sheepishly admitted: “I forgot the egg.”

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Juror Christian Rach (66) caused laughter in the audience when he spoke about the dish: “Don’t put any eggs in it, otherwise it will be too soft. Have I said something funny?” Laura Wontorra also couldn’t help but laugh and just explained briefly: “Watch the show again in the repeat.”

This time, host Stefen Henssler had no trouble against his celebrity opponents

Photo: Photo: RTL / Basti Sevastos

Despite Henssler’s professional help, Bessin’s plate left the jurors confused. Rach remarked bluntly: “A massacre on the blue plate!” Jana Ina Zarrella (46) also grimaced: “When you look at this plate, do you really think: Do I want to eat that?” Reiner Calmund (74) was one less forgiving, but also had its problems with the optics: “When you come in, you think lightning has struck. But it was tasty!”

Steffen Henssler wins all cooking rounds

At the end of the evening it was a clear victory for Steffen Henssler. The host won every single cooking round and thus took the overall victory of the evening. He defeated his celebrity guests with 111 to 90 points.

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