“Grill den Henssler”: Mega freak out against Jana Ina Zarrella | Entertainment

by time news

2023-09-10 23:41:03

Suddenly he blew up.

The summer special of “Grill den Henssler” on Sunday evening was about a competition between the cooking coaches. Host Steffen Henssler (50) competed against star chefs Ali Güngörmüs (46), Ralf Zacherl (52) and Lucki Maurer (42).

While preparing the main course, Henssler told presenter Laura Wontorra (34) and the audience that he wanted to slow down a little and relax in the near future. However, the relaxation was over shortly afterwards. When the jury evaluated the desserts, Steffen Henssler burst his hat. Victim of his freak out: Juror Jana Ina Zarrella (46), who countered his shouting attack with humor and calmness.

Jana Ina Zarella had to give in to Henssler’s roar

Photo: RTL

Henssler announces time off

At the start of the show, Steffen Henssler was still in a good mood and enjoyed the audience’s welcome, which gave him a standing ovation. Even a Tim Mälzer fan group that wore their idol’s name on T-shirts couldn’t upset Henssler, who remarked with a grin: “When I look at you, I’m surprised that you at least spelled it correctly.”

In the main course, Henssler and Lucki Maurer tried “flank steak with grilled, stuffed avocado and chipotle sauce” – and Steffen suddenly made a surprising announcement to Laura Wontorra: “You’re getting older. Grandpa needs a bit of a break.”

Steffen Henssler announced a break

Photo: RTL

Henssler’s plan: After the end of the current summer season, he wants to rest completely: “Do nothing for three months except mess around, hang around, play around with myself…” Wontorra could hardly believe it: “No three months either Restaurant? Nothing? Have you got anything planned?”

But that’s exactly what the gourmet chef wants to avoid and lets everything happen in a relaxed manner: “I can’t tell you what I’m doing yet. In terms of television, it’s really a no-brainer.”

Freakout after jury evaluation

The relaxed chat was quickly over after the dessert “Grilled Kiwi with Zabaione and Crumble” was prepared. At first Henssler was still in good spirits: “It’s okay, the dessert.” But as the preparation progressed, he started to get nervous. The grilled kiwi in particular bothered the chef: “I put that in the embers. I just made this up. I can’t say whether it works that way.”

Ali Güngörmüs, Steffen Henssler, Lucki Maurer, Laura Wontorra, Ralf Zacherl (from left)

Photo: RTL

Laura Wontorra was already worried about the jury’s assessment, but Henssler waved it off: “The jury talks a lot when the day is long. You have to go through it.”

When Reiner Calmund (74) assessed Steffen, he didn’t look so happy anymore. He remarked: “It didn’t work out perfectly.” Christian Rach (66) gave Henssler’s blue plate just five points: “We still have to practice a bit with the dessert.”

Reiner Calmund criticized Henssler’s performance on the grill

Photo: RTL

Jana Ina Zarrella also had something to complain about: “It’s difficult with the aluminum foil. I have a real mark on my Kiwi. A tire went over it.”

Now Henssler couldn’t hold on any longer and suddenly shouted from behind the partition: “When you grill something, it has a grill mark!” Out of his rage, he even hit the wall with his fist and shouted: “Man! That can’t be right!” The cook continued to rage: “How can I tell the difference between ‘fried’ and ‘grilled’? Through the grill track! Today is really such a day, hey!”

Rach promptly added a little more fuel to the fire and claimed: “You just have to be able to do both.” Calli had now had enough of Henssler’s freak out: “Red card!” Laura Wontorra pleaded with Jana Ina for her evaluation and was apparently already looking forward to hers After work: “Jana Ina, let’s bring the evening to an end.”

She didn’t let Henssler’s outburst of anger bother her and announced her result with a smile: “Blue: You get seven points, you crazy thing. And because Red was quiet, he gets eight points!”

also read

Koch coaches win against Steffen Henssler

Henssler had now calmed down again – and was even able to win the Koch round against Ralf Zacherl with 20 to 19 points. Overall, however, he had to admit defeat against the three professional chefs: They defeated the hosts with 102 to 100 points.

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