Guaranteed physical reception in public services: this law that the rebels dream of achieving

by time news

2024-01-04 10:20:51

Well known for electrifying the debates in the hemicycle, the rebellious deputies of the Assembly dream of finally being credited with a law in their name. Will they reach the goal in 2024? On November 30, they won a first round by having, as part of their parliamentary niche (reserved day), a bill aimed at guaranteeing a “physical welcome”, and not just digital, for users of public services. Supported by LFI MP Danièle Obono, this aims to reduce the digital divide by ensuring “at each stage of any administrative process, the possibility for any user to request treatment by mail” and “to be received and taken care of within a reasonable time by a natural person.

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After this passage at first reading, the Insoumis now intend to have their text included on the Senate agenda. “We are not going to stop there,” warned the head of the LFI group in the Assembly, Mathilde Panot, before the parliamentary break. I wrote to all the Senate group presidents. And Danièle Obono is calling all the senators.” The Insoumis movement also intends to launch a major campaign at the start of the year to achieve its goals: national leaflet, public meetings, popular cafés, petitions, standard letters from elected officials to send to senators, standard drafts of motions and wishes to submit to municipal councils…

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