Guberniev: Reztsova abruptly started the race, but could compete for a medal

by time news

Russian commentator Dmitry Guberniev assessed the results of the women’s mass start at the Winter Olympics in Beijing.

Recall that the best of the Russians was Christina Reztsova, who took fifth place, having made six misses during the race. The gold Olympic medal went to the Frenchwoman Justine Breza-Boucher, the silver one – to the representative of Norway Tiril Eckhoff, the bronze one – to her compatriot Martha Røiseland.

“Reztsova could compete for a medal, but six misses is, of course, a lot. I would have missed four times – I would have been in the prize-winners, ”Guberniev said in an interview with the Championship.

He added that Reztsova abruptly started the race, because the coach set her up that way. According to Guberniv, it was necessary to start a little slower.

“The weather made the race a lottery. Christina already has two awards at these Games. She is still young, she has more than one Olympics ahead of her, ”summed up Guberniev.

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