Guidance on cheaper credit cards

by time news

Characteristic. Classic cards with a credit limit less than or equal to 4,500 pesos have the highest Total Annual Cost (CAT) of the entire range of products.

To help you compare your credit card with similar products that you might have access to, here we tell you which are the most expensive and the cheapest.


Classic cards with a credit limit less than or equal to 4,500 pesos have the highest Total Annual Cost (CAT) of the entire range of products, which includes the interest rate, commissions, fees and insurance depending on the plastic, according to with information from Banxico and the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services (Condusef).

With an annuity of 695 pesos, Banorte’s Ke Buena card had a CAT of 138.6 percent last June, the most expensive of all the products included in the sample. Close behind is Card 40, also from Banorte, with a cost of 137.5 percent and an annual fee of 675 pesos.

In third place appears another product of “El Banco Fuerte de México” and it is the La Comer card, whose CAT was 129.6 percent and the annuity of 675 pesos.

Comparative information shows that there were 27 cards with a CAT greater than 100 percent in June this year.


At the other extreme, the cheapest product belongs to Invex, whose Oro SíCard Plus card has an annuity of one thousand 9 pesos and a CAT of 22.4 percent, the lowest of the entire sample.

In second place is a Classic card with a credit limit of more than 15 thousand pesos and it is Mas, from Banregio, without an annual fee and with a cost of 23.5 percent. In third place comes another Classic with the same credit limit and also without annuity; we are talking about Volaris 0, from Invex, with a CAT of 23.8 percent.

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