Gyimesi: The MiG government did not respect the will of the citizens

by time news

The government did not respect the will of the citizens, who did not wish to donate MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine, thinks the member of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, György Gyimesi. He said this in the discussion program of Radio and Television of Slovakia Sobotné dialogy.

Erik Tomáš, a member of the NR SR and vice-chairman of the Hlas-SD party, is of the opinion that the topic should not even have been on the table, because the government does not have the competence for it. According to him, Prime Minister Eduard Heger does not have a mandate to decide on this issue. He considers fighter jets to be a fundamental issue of foreign policy and considers this decision a dangerous precedent.

Member of Parliament and vice-chairman of the Progressive Slovakia movement Tomáš Valášek thinks that it is right that we should send fighter jets to Ukraine. However, he is surprised that the government did not consult this step with the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic before the donation.

The Slovak Republic will send MiG-29 fighters to Ukraine. In addition to them, he also donates a part of the air defense system of Kub. Acting Prime Minister Eduard Heger said it. According to him, the government cabinet unanimously approved the international agreement. The Prime Minister stated that their mission to Ukraine is in accordance with the Constitution of the Slovak Republic. He pointed out that they are intended for defense, not for attack.

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Smer-SD announces a criminal complaint for the government’s decision on fighter jets

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