Haddad says he was not worried about Bolsonaro in a meeting with Tarcísio

by time news

1970-01-01 02:00:00

Finance Minister Fernando Haddad said today that former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) “didn’t even cross his mind” when meeting with São Paulo Governor Tarcísio de Freitas (Republicans). The statement was given to the podcast O Subject, from g1.

What did he say?

“Imagine if I was worried about Bolsonaro. Bolsonaro is worrying for what he does, symbolizes, represents, but I never worried about worrying him about what he will think of a photo of me with the governor of São Paulo”these.

“It wasn’t me and Tarcísio, it was the Minister of Finance and the governor of São Paulo”continued.

“How am I going to think about Bolsonaro’s well-being if Bolsonaro didn’t think about anyone’s well-being in the four years he presided over the Republic? Bolsonaro doesn’t even cross my mind”.

Haddad also praised Tarcísio for conducting the campaign for the government of São Paulo, in which they were opponents. For him, the clash was “purposeful”.

Tarcísio’s support for tax reform caused friction with Bolsonaro. In a video of a PL meeting, the São Paulo governor is interrupted by the former president and booed.

Former president published a photo alongside an ally yesterday. Public statement came after Tarcísio commented that “he will always be loyal and grateful” to Bolsonaro.

#Haddad #worried #Bolsonaro #meeting #Tarcísio

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