Haji Faisal’s Birthday, Fuji Offers Special Prayers – 2024-04-20 03:14:32

by times news cr

2024-04-20 03:14:32

Haji Faisal and Fuji. Photo: Instagram/fuji_an

jpnn.comJAKARTA – Fujianti Utami Putri alias Fuji wishes her father, Haji Faisal, a happy birthday.

Meanwhile, Haji Faisal celebrated his 55th birthday on Thursday, April 18 2024.

“Happy 55th birthday to Mr. Haji Faisal, aka my father,” said Fuji via his account on Instagram, Thursday (18/4).

Thariq Halilintar’s former lover then delivered a prayer for Haji Faisal.

Fuji hopes that his father will always be healthy and will be given strength by his creator.

“Hopefully you will always be given good health, extra patience in dealing with your children, strength like Avatar, and fortitude in answering journalists’ questions,” explained the 21 year old woman.

According to Fuji, Haji Faisal has been a great father figure for his children.

He is grateful for the tough and fierce upbringing from the businessman from Payakumbuh.

Fujianti Utami Putri alias Fuji wishes her father, Haji Faisal, a happy birthday. Meanwhile, Haji Faisal celebrated his 55th birthday.

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