Hamas accepts truce proposal in Gaza Strip

by times news cr

2024-05-12 06:58:42

After Israel ordered the evacuation of eastern Rafah at the start of announced operations, the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas accepted a ceasefire proposal in the Gaza Strip.

After almost seven months of war, the inhabitants of this area celebrated the announcement in the streets, between tears of happiness, songs of Allahu Akbar (“God is the greatest”) and shots in the air.

The Prime Minister’s Office, Benjamin Netanyahu, He indicated that the proposal is “very far from the essential demands,” but that the government will send a delegation to the mediators “to exhaust the possibilities of reaching an agreement,” at the same time that the War Cabinet voted to continue the operation in the south. of the Strip.

A senior official in the Palestinian Islamist movement, Jalil al-Hayya, He told the Al Jazeera network that the proposal contemplates three phases, each lasting 42 days.

This would include a complete Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, the return of the displaced and an exchange of hostages still held captive in the territory for Palestinian prisoners held in Israel, with the goal of a “permanent ceasefire.”

“The ball is now in Israel’s court,” said a Hamas official on condition of anonymity.


After the announcement, the Israeli Army carried out intense bombings in Rafah, where in the morning he began “a limited scope operation to temporarily evacuate residents in the part oriental”.

The military spokesman Daniel Hagari He reiterated the call to evacuate the area, “about 100 thousand people”, as part of “the preparation of a ground operation in the area.”

A representative of the Red Crescent Palestine assured that “the inhabitants are evacuating in terror, in the midst of panic,” estimating that the area designated by the Israeli army affects about 250 thousand people.

The international community continues to express its concern about the invasion, which Israel considers essential to “destroy the last four battalions” of Hamas.

The UN estimates that around 1.2 million people live in overcrowded conditions, after stating that it is “impossible to carry out a mass evacuation of this magnitude safely” and the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Turkdeclared that “it is inhuman.”


This evacuation order “foreshadows the worst: more war and famine,” indicated the head of diplomacy of the European Union, Josep Borrell.

The White House commented that US President Joe Biden, “reiterated his clear position” against the Rafah invasion to Netanyahu during a telephone conversation.

This operation “would dramatically increase the suffering of the Palestinian people,” stated State Department spokesman Matthew Miller. The Presidency of the Palestinian Authority asked the US “to intervene to prevent this massacre.” /24 HOURS

They mobilize on the Amsterdam campus

REPLICA. Pro-Palestinian students yesterday waved flags and placed banners in the occupation of the Amsterdam University campus.

Students from the University of Amsterdam (UvA) set up a camp on the campus yesterday, and asked the establishment to break any ties with Israel due to its military offensive in Gaza.

In images published in the Dutch press, a dozen tents were seen on the campus, between the buildings College students.

In Belgium, a hundred students also began to occupy a university building in Ghent.

The protesters, supported by several professors, accuse the university management of being “complicit in a genocide” in Gaza by not suspending collaborations with Israeli centers.

The student movement against the Israeli offensive began on American campuses last month and spread across the country. world. Protests of this type have multiplied in Paris, Berlin, Mexico, Dublin and Sydney.

Meanwhile, in the United States, Columbia University, the epicenter of the demonstrations, announced the cancellation of the main graduation ceremony, scheduled for May 15. /24 HOURS

2024-05-12 06:58:42

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