Hamas welcomes Spain, Norway and Eire for wanting the creation of an Israeli State

by time news

2024-05-22 10:19:09

Them The terrorist group Hamas expressed in an announcement that “it is a crucial step” taken by Spain, Norway and Eire in the direction of the institution of “an unbiased State. with Jerusalem because the capital“.

It’s the second time that Hamas has congratulated Pedro Sánchez. On November 25, Sánchez was congratulated for his “firmness and braveness” relating to Israel’s response in Gaza.

“We applaud the declaration by Norway, Eire and Spain to acknowledge the State of Palestine and it is a crucial step on the best way to realizing our proper to our land and the institution of our unbiased Palestinian State, with Jerusalem as its capital,” the militants stated. inform. of Hamas, the authors of the bloodbath of October 7 and they’re nonetheless taking 127 Israelis captive, together with one-month-old youngsters.

Equally, he has requested different international locations that haven’t but taken this step to “know the best nationwide rights and assist the battle of the Palestinian folks for freedomindependence and the top of the Zionist occupation of the area”, in response to the Palestinian newspaper Palestinelinked to Hamas terrorists.

The assertion was printed shortly after the President of the Palestinian Authority praised these declarations on the popularity of the State of Palestine, which will apply on June 28 in these three circumstancesand can emphasize that it’s a contribution to the materialization of the two-state answer with a purpose to finish the battle with Israel.


In the meantime, Israel has stated that these selections could have a unfavorable influence on the area and that “there can be severe penalties.”

Israel’s international minister, Israel Katz, confirmed that the brand new identities of Palestine They ship to the world “the message that terrorism is worthwhile”.

With the declarations from Spain, Norway and Eire, there at the moment are 146 the variety of UN member states that acknowledge the State of Palestine. Malta and Slovenia could take the step quickly.

Mahmoud Abbas additionally praised the information

President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbasapplauded this Wednesday the announcement by Spain, Norway and Eire on the popularity of the State of Palestine and pressured that it’s a contribution to the materialization of the two-state answer with a purpose to finish the battle with Israel.

“This motion reveals the will of Spain to assist the Palestinian folks and their unjust rights and their proper to their land and homeland,” lamenting that “this answer is systematically destroyed by Israeli insurance policies, particularly by continuation of the struggle of genocide within the Gaza strip“.

#Hamas #welcomes #Spain #Norway #Eire #wanting #creation #Israeli #State

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